Thursday, 24 September 2009







Is this Statement right?? OMG!!

I think even a primary school children will know what's wrong by this statement.

Here take a look at the right statement about the colour of flame…

< In fires (particularly house fires), the cooler flames are often red and produce the most smoke. Here the red color compared to typical yellow color of the flames suggests that the temperature is lower. This is because there is a lack of oxygen in the room and therefore there is incomplete combustion and the flame temperature is low, often just 600-850 °C. This means that a lot of carbon monoxide is formed (which is a flammable gas if hot enough) which is when in Fire and Arson investigation there is greatest risk of backdraft. When this occurs flames get oxygen, carbon monoxide combusts and temporary temperatures of up to 2000 °C occur. This is one of the most frightening things that fire fighters encounter.>

Although we all told him that he was wrong, he was very wrong. But he refused to listen and insisted on his "right" statement. In the end, I thought he even didn't know that he was being laughed by every of us.


唉~所以啊, 人有时不能太固执,不能自以为是。当所有同学都说是错时,你必须检讨,必须去再次核对你的"理"对与否,才来理直气壮。而不是继续坚持己见,毕竟我们只想纠正你,告诉你,避免你继续错。做人需谦虚、做学生需虚心学习,要知道其实比你好的人多的是。一句话"厉害就好,不要假厉害"。


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